Friday, November 13, 2015
The Unnoticeables by Robert Brockway
Sunday, October 4, 2015
The Concern is Mine Alone
Sunday, August 16, 2015
The Love Letter from Crazy Town
This is what I told him. On Facebook. I want to die.
"What I have to say is a bit of a mouthful and I don't want to spam up your inbox with a billion texts. I figure that you're already not talking to me, so what's the worst you could do? Continue to not talk to me?
"It's been just shy of 2 years that we've been doing this dance. Of course, I have feelings. I am by definition insane. Every time I call things off with you, I secretly hope you'll protest. I'm let down every time. If I thought for even half a second that you might care, I would never even look at another guy. In all actuality, I'm breaking my own heart. You make my brain stupid and lead me into terrible decisions. I wish you were never born.
"That being said, I am irreparably in love with you. I don't need any proof of devotion or any such nonsense. All you would ever have to do is ask and I would be yours. Even if the choice was between you and a Charmander. Those evolve into Charizard, so it's kind of a big deal. You've found my weakness. No, I'm not talking about the sex, but you've never let me down there either. It is near impossible not to smile when I'm around you. I love that you get me. I'm sorry I'm irrational.
"The ball's in your court. I will stop fighting for the illusive '5 more minutes' if you wish it."
I get that my love letter is unconventional, but I'm proud of it. I'm not trying to be anyone I'm not. My devotion is clear. Really, it's a shame that he doesn't appreciate me. His response?
"I've always admired your honesty. I don't want a relationship with you. You're my best friend, without question, but I don't want to be more than that. I need to let you move on with your life. If ending our friendship means that I will never be the cause of your pain, I will support it one million percent."
So, when he texts me every day? I think about this. One of my friends still sees us getting married one day. I don't think so, but I currently love him all the same.
Love is just a Game
Parents and beliefs matter. I'm lumping the two together because in my experience they usually come hand-in-hand. I am, and never will be, a part of the religious folk. My father quit forcing church when I was five. I said it was stupid. I grew up lucky with a wondrously accepting parent. Others need validation. I'm too brazen to fit in to a lot of families. Meeting circumstances can help. If I'm cutting fabric when I meet moms, that's forever where they will see me. I don't cut fabric but once a decade. If I meet them in torn jeans and tattoos exposed? I'm generally seen as trampy. I hate moms. I don't care what kind of relationship I'm in, your family's opinion does matter.
Circumstance always comes into play as well. I'm comfortable with my lifestyle. I don't want to move. I probably should, but I don't want to. No amount of pros and cons is going to change that. I could be even happier your way. I still won't care. I'm stubborn. I'm opinionated. Mostly, I'm currently happy. I'm not looking to see how long that will last(I know it won't be forever.). I very obviously hate my future self. I plan day to day. In six months, I could be blissful. In six months, I could be miserable. Who's to say what happens in the next six months?
I feel like the biggest drawback to love is feelings. Rewind ten hours and I was silly, optimistic, and caring. Not a whole lot has changed. I'm still all these things, but I'm also angry and depressed. In both states I would refuse a marriage proposal, but I would refuse differently. Right now, I don't believe in love. That makes sense to me. Love only exists as a reproductive scheme. Ten hours ago I would have refused because you can't commit to a single person. Love is everywhere. Love is what creates life. It isn't something that can be restricted to two people alone. Feelings are strong, regardless the flippy-floppy people they come from.
I suppose my response is kind of the same both ways. I won't defend what I believe. I may word things differently on occasion, but I'm always me.
Anyways, my point is that you need more. Love, compatibility, and timing are great, but it doesn't always work. Feelings lie. Circumstances change. I'm not saying we should be alone, just that traditional relationships are bullshit. Have fun when you can.
Free Agents
Dementia. It's known that people are prone to poor decisions while intoxicated, but heavy drinking can also lead to deficits in the ability to plan. Although I do crosswords and logic puzzles on the regular, in the long-term my alcoholism will affect my problem solving abilities. It may not be strictly the alcohol, but my drinking can affect the way I absorb nutrients, which can also trigger dementia.
Surely you've heard the "Which Came First" debate. I always side with the egg, but again, not my topic. Depression and alcoholism go hand in hand. Some people will self-medicate for depression, while others are drunk and get depressed because of it. I'm a case from the latter. I generally lead a good life. Yeah, sometimes I'm broke and sometimes I'm alone. I also have the greatest group of friends for support. I like where I'm living, and I generally like my life. Somehow, I still can't make it a week without consuming a beer or twelve. Just today I've had a carafe of hot sake, a plum wine, three Mike's, and four shots. I'm sure I could come up with a thousand excuses as for why, but the fact remains that I didn't need to drink tonight. I did. I'm not sad, or even lethargic. I went out and did things today. I just wanted to drink.
I am overweight. I'm not huge, but I'm definitely not the same girl I was ten years ago. You could strike that up as an age thing, but it's where I carry the weight that is a dead giveaway. While I have gotten bigger all around, the majority of the new weight is carried around my stomach. My legs will fit three to four pants sizes down from my waist. My butt is the most awkward thing when buying jeans. I still manage to pick up hotties, so I tell myself it isn't a big deal. It can't be particularly healthy.
On occasion I develop numbness in my extremities. For about a week last year I couldn't feel the toes on my right foot. I also experienced seizures at the time. Only for the beginning of the week, but still. Seizures are serious business. I absolutely did not go to the doctor. I knew what the cause was, and I knew the solution. Five years ago, a weekend binge resulted in embarrassing stories where I walked into screen doors or spoke of robot conspiracies that would kill my friends. Lately, my binges last a day. I would drink a second day, but between being miserably bedridden and shitting out hurricanes, I just don't have the energy. I used to throw up when I'd had too much, and I miss it. As embarrassing as that was, it was better than admitting that I can't remember anything. I've taken to faking it. I've heard enough blackout stories that I can pretend I know what happened. Back to my statement with the numbness, while I've never shit myself, I've peed. This has something to do with nerve damage. I just don't have the same sensation I used to. It's also ruined drunk sex. Yeah, I can fuck all night, but I will never orgasm. What's the point?
Yeah, drinking is totally cool. Tell all your friends. I want you to feel superior to everyone you know that uses "hard drugs". Alcoholism is WAY better.
Saturday, April 18, 2015
Exes, Ohs, and the Marquis de Carabas
Chasing the ex is going about as well as it always does. When we're together, it's wonderful. It's not even about the sex(not that he's ever left me with any complaints). When we aren't together, I'm looking for an excuse to see him. I could see myself spending forever with him. I can't tell him such things, but I would marry him in a heartbeat. At this point, we're friends first, anything more is just bonus. We talk every day. Sometimes it's serious, and other times it's arguing about whether magenta is purple or pink(totally pink!). We both understand that we aren't together, but the longest we go without at least texting is about two days. I love hearing about his day-to-day frustrations, his future goals, and whatever dumb shit pops into his head. It's basically every aspect of being in a relationship, just without the title. Oh, and free-reign to see other people.
Recently, I've taken up this dating freedom. I've been talking to other guys, nothing serious, but I did manage to sleep with one. I don't know if it was actually terrible, or if I've just hardwired myself for failure. I'm certain I've raved about the ex's sexual prowess, but I can't think of anything particularly special that he does. Half of it might just be our banter. I think you should be able to laugh in the throws of passion. After a year and a half I've come to expect it. I've grown accustomed to the shape of his lips, as well as the rhythm of his tongue entangling with my own. Making out with another guy just feels weird. I don't want anyone else.
Here's where the manipulation comes in. Our non-relationship dictates that we can totally do whatever we'd like with whomever we'd like. We only tell each other if it looks like it's gonna get serious. Sometimes he starts blowing me off, and I've pretty much taken that to mean he's started seeing someone else. Nothing snaps him back into shape like jealousy. Even though I'm not really interested in these other guys, I'll mention to him that I'm sort of seeing someone and we should probably stop sleeping together. He'll ask what said guy is like and I'll combine my favorite traits from these other guys and pick one of their names. I'll basically paint the guy as being perfect. Last time I did this, he was over within the hour. Is that crazy? I feel mildly terrible for lying, but it's terribly effective. Just the other day I wasn't feeling well, he came over anyways and snuggled with me for a couple hours.
It feels like love. You can argue with me all day and night about my poor decisions and how unhealthy this is, but at the end of the day I still adore him. I'm elated when I wake up next to him. It's terribly unconventional, but it makes me happy.
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Swipe Left!
I suppose I'll start off with the easy shots. You're talking to some guy, you're even hitting it off. You decide to exchange numbers. Boom! Dick pic. Seriously? If I gave you my snapchat info, I'd get it. Kind of. But my phone number? I thought I had gotten away from this by switching to sites where I can't send pics. Nope. We've just created a new breed of cock shot offenders. Is there something gratifying about sending unwarranted viewings of your shlong? I mean, why go through the time and energy of actual conversation just to surprise me with your penis at first opportunity? Color. Me. Baffled.
They are dating websites, right? If I wanted a random hook-up, I could easily saunter down to the nearest bar(trust me, there are a few) and jimmy my way into some dude's pants. That being said, I hate getting messages asking for sex. You could argue that at least they're being honest and just skipping the pretext facade thing. You could argue that I could just check their profile and see if I want to do it as well. I've totally slept with men with less information. It's just too bad that I like the pretext facade thing. Put some thought into it. I'm not so naive that I'm going to be talking to guys that I can't see having crazy monkey sex with at some point. I like sex, they like sex(hopefully), and I assume if we hit it off it will happen. I just like a bit of metaphor-play.
My biggest beef with online dating is laziness: scripted messages that you get over and over, single word messages, when checking their profile it's clear that they only looked at your picture, and it's really just awful. You know, I'm pretty chill for the most part. I'll blow off messages, it's easier than turning guys down individually. I used to, but they usually argued with me and tried to convince me otherwise, so I've quit. Usually that's fine. Some guys will send a second, I'm okay with that as well. After the third, he's just talking to himself really. Then I start getting irritated. I'll respond politely at first so they know that I did see their messages, and that I just have no interest. One pick up line later and I've grabbed my megaphone and it's up to full blast. I may have lied a second ago; I love it when it gets to this point. They actually get really offended and start calling me names. As it turns out, I love banter. It's not going to get them anywhere, but I enjoy it never the less. Getting mad over it would be like playing Call of Duty and being offended over some kid calling me a faggot. It's just expected.
Speaking of being offended: Guys, don't sheepishly tell me how you aren't an online dater. Obviously, you and I both are. The fact that you're embarrassed says wonders about me. I get that you might be socially awkward or whatever. By telling me you "never do this," you're really just ostracizing me. I'm not about to lie to my friends about how we met, and I sure as hell won't let you shame me over it.
All in all, I think the main reason I can't seem to met someone online is because of choice. You'd think that choice would bring more opportunity, but really it makes everything worse. The options are basically limitless, so I keep getting choosier. With this mindset the grass can always be greener.
Oh hey, look! I got a message!