Saturday, May 11, 2013

Breakups Suck

Do not get black out drunk intentionally. I don't care what the circumstances are. I don't care how much oxytocin has been released into your system as a result of awesome sex. When you get dumped, don't hit the bottle. That NEVER works for anyone.

Do not call people. Dude, you're upset. And apparently drunk at this point. Calling people is the LAST thing you should do. I suppose you won't remember anyways, but your friends are lovely people and SUPER supportive. They also have their own lives and don't need your drama past midnight. As much as they feel for you, DO NOT PICK UP YOUR PHONE AT BOOTY CALL HOURS!!!

Do not call that number you randomly have in your phone from that one night stand you had that lasted 5 months. That's a terrible idea. You're an emotional wreck and this guy doesn't feel anything for you. He may be comforting, but no one wants your drama. No guy wants to hear about the last guy that was inside you.

Seriously, you're being a bitch, go to bed.

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